Can you see Holoballoon from space?

Short answer: Yes you can! Long answer: You can but you need to know where it is and a have a bit of fantasy

by Robert Spirig

Holoballoon is quite big, at least it seems that way if you are on the ground next to it. Which is why it takes several people to operate and many ropes to tie it down! But looking down from space makes everything look small. So the question opens up: Is Holoballoon large enough to be seen from space? (And what about other the other devices?)


Well, thanks to the high resolution of Sentinel you can now actually spot Holoballoon. But it requires you to know 1) where it is, 2) select a scene without snow and 3) especially one without high fog when we usually operate it. If you do so the archives over external pageat the sentinel-hub allow you to catch a glimpse. What about the rest of our equipment? Those manage to influence the pixels to some extent but as you can imagine even our trailer is a fraction of holoballoon and thus is too small to be seen. Still, kudos to sentinel!    

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